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Vali­ant Kings

Valiant Kings


Inter­na­tio­nal DJ, Pro­du­cer, Remi­xer, Song­wri­ter, Label head & musi­cal non­con­for­mist Aaron French; other­wi­se known as Vali­ant Kings – is someone who swit­ches bet­ween sounds & styl­es like a duck to water!

The Bel­fast man’s melo­dious but spell-boun­ding club music is undoub­ted­ly gai­ning a rapidly gro­wing fan base per­forming his high­ly reco­gnizable brand of dance music ran­ging from deep and melo­dic right through to uplif­ting peak time mons­ters; yet also feels at home play­ing chill-out, lounge, soul, funk & dis­co!

The Bill­board-char­ting artist has gai­ned HUGE sup­port from the music world royal­ty on releases and remi­xes with labels such as Uni­ver­sal Music, New Sta­te Music, Storm Music, Tiger Records, Whore­house Records, ZYX Music,  Uly­bug, SIRUP, Black Hole Recor­dings and many more not to men­ti­on count­less pre­vious and upco­ming fes­ti­vals, clubs, vil­la & pool par­ties around the world in the likes of Dubai, Ger­ma­ny, Switz­er­land & Ibi­za.

Aaron con­ti­nues to be both proac­ti­ve & focu­sed with his pro­duc­tions and pod­cast; the “Anti­so­cial Dis­co” show­ca­sing the latest & best dance music which is available on all the usu­al plat­forms as well as his Soli­ta­ry Music imprint and kee­ping in line with all things Vali­ant.





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Booking contacts

Agency: Kickdown Agency

Phone: +49 172 696 4210


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